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Q-Switch Laser Treatment / PICO Laser in Chennai by Dr. Deepika Lunawat at Mahi Skin, Hair & Laser Clinic in Kilpauk & Sowcarpet

Do you wish to achieve clearer, brighter skin and address concerns like pigmentation, sunspots, or unwanted tattoos? Q-Switch Laser / PICO Laser Treatment, administered by Dr. Deepika Lunawat at Mahi Skin, Hair & Laser Clinic in Kilpauk & Sowcarpet, Chennai, offers a cutting-edge solution for skin rejuvenation. This advanced laser technology can target specific skin concerns with precision, leaving you with a refreshed and revitalized complexion.

Understanding Q-Switch Laser / PICO Laser Treatment

Q-Switch Laser and PICO Laser are innovative technologies that use short bursts of laser energy to target and break down pigmented lesions, such as:

  1. Hyperpigmentation & Post Acne Pigmentation: Treats dark spots, sunspots, and melasma to achieve a more even skin tone.

  2. Tattoo Removal: Effectively removes unwanted tattoos by breaking down ink particles for natural elimination by the body.

  3. Skin Rejuvenation: Provides overall skin rejuvenation by addressing signs of aging.

  4. Pigmented Lesions: Targets and reduces the appearance of pigmented lesions, including freckles and age spots.


Our Approach to Q-Switch Laser / PICO Laser Treatment at Mahi Skin, Hair & Laser Clinic

Dr. Deepika Lunawat's approach to Q-Switch Laser / PICO Laser Treatment at Mahi Skin, Hair & Laser Clinic in Kilpauk & Sowcarpet includes the following key steps:

Q Switch Laser Treatment - PICO Laser Treatment
  1. Personalized Assessment: Dr. Lunawat will assess your skin concerns, discuss your goals for treatment, and determine the most suitable laser technology and settings for your unique needs.

  2. Education: We believe in empowering patients with knowledge. Dr. Lunawat will explain the Q-Switch / PICO laser treatment process, its benefits, and what to expect during and after the sessions.

  3. Customized Treatment: Laser treatment is highly customizable. Dr. Lunawat will tailor the treatment to your specific skin concerns, ensuring optimal results with minimal downtime.

  4. Q-Switch / PICO Laser Sessions: The procedure involves the precise delivery of laser energy to target pigmented lesions or tattoo ink. The sessions are typically well-tolerated, with minimal discomfort.

  5. Ongoing Support: Achieving radiant and clear skin is a journey, and our team is here to support you every step of the way. We schedule regular follow-up appointments to monitor your progress and ensure that your laser treatment plan continues to meet your expectations.


Why Choose Mahi Skin, Hair & Laser Clinic for Q-Switch Laser / PICO Laser Treatment in Kilpauk & Sowcarpet, Chennai?

Expert Dermatologist: Dr. Deepika Lunawat is renowned as the best dermatologist in Chennai, known for her expertise in Q-Switch Laser / PICO Laser treatment and various skin rejuvenation procedures.


Personalized Care: We understand that each individual's skin is unique, and our laser treatments are customized to address your specific concerns and goals.


Advanced Technology: Mahi Skin, Hair & Laser Clinic is equipped with state-of-the-art Q-Switch Laser and PICO Laser technology to provide you with the most effective and comfortable treatments available.


Compassionate Care: Your comfort and well-being are our top priorities. Our team is committed to creating a positive, stress-free experience during your laser treatment.



Rejuvenate your skin with Q-Switch Laser / PICO Laser Treatment at Mahi Skin, Hair & Laser Clinic in Kilpauk & Sowcarpet, Chennai. Contact us today to schedule a consultation and explore how this advanced laser technology can enhance your skin's clarity and radiance.

FAQs: Q-switch Laser Treatment / PICO Laser Treatment
  1. What is Q-switch laser treatment/PICO laser treatment? Q-switch laser treatment and PICO laser treatment are advanced laser technologies used to address various skin concerns, including pigmentation issues, tattoos, acne scars, and aging signs. These treatments utilize specific wavelengths of laser energy to target and break down pigment particles in the skin without causing damage to surrounding tissues.

  2. What skin concerns can be treated with Q-switch/PICO laser? Q-switch and PICO laser treatments are effective for treating a range of skin concerns, including sunspots, freckles, melasma, birthmarks, acne scars, fine lines, wrinkles, and unwanted tattoos. These treatments can help improve overall skin tone and texture, resulting in a clearer, more youthful complexion.

  3. How does Q-switch/PICO laser work? Q-switch and PICO lasers emit short pulses of high-energy light that are absorbed by melanin or ink particles in the skin. This energy breaks down the pigment into smaller fragments, which are then naturally eliminated by the body's immune system. The laser energy also stimulates collagen production, leading to skin rejuvenation and a smoother appearance.

  4. Is Q-switch/PICO laser treatment painful? Q-switch and PICO laser treatments are generally well-tolerated, with minimal discomfort. Some patients may experience a mild stinging sensation during the procedure, similar to the snap of a rubber band against the skin. Topical numbing cream can be applied before treatment to minimize any discomfort.

  5. How many sessions are needed to see results with Q-switch/PICO laser treatment? The number of treatment sessions required depends on the specific skin concern being addressed, as well as individual skin type and response to treatment. Many patients see noticeable improvements after just one session, but a series of treatments spaced several weeks apart may be recommended for optimal results.

  6. What is the downtime after Q-switch/PICO laser treatment? Q-switch and PICO laser treatments typically involve minimal downtime. Some patients may experience temporary redness, swelling, or mild crusting in the treated area, which usually subsides within a few days. You can usually resume your normal activities immediately after treatment, although sun protection is recommended.

  7. Are there any side effects or risks associated with Q-switch/PICO laser treatment? While Q-switch and PICO laser treatments are considered safe for most patients, some potential side effects may include temporary hyperpigmentation, hypopigmentation, blistering, or scarring, although these are rare when the procedure is performed by a qualified and experienced dermatologist.

  8. Who is a suitable candidate for Q-switch/PICO laser treatment? Q-switch and PICO laser treatments are suitable for individuals looking to improve the appearance of pigmentation issues, acne scars, fine lines, wrinkles, or unwanted tattoos. However, they may not be suitable for individuals with certain skin conditions or medical histories. A consultation with a dermatologist is recommended to determine if these treatments are right for you.

  9. How can I schedule a Q-switch/PICO laser treatment consultation? To schedule a consultation for Q-switch or PICO laser treatment at Mahi Skin, Hair & Laser Clinic in Chennai, you can contact us at +91-9042-093-315 or visit our website to book an appointment online. During your consultation, a dermatologist will assess your skin concerns, discuss your treatment options, and create a personalized plan to help you achieve your skincare goals.

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